Living Income Guaranteed: Taxation and Transparency

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One of the fundamental problems in the world in how crime develops is through tax and tax evasion and for that, specially companies employ lawyers to find loopholes in laws so that they can set up all kinds of foundations and charities with which to evade tax; and with which to influence the markets and the goods available to the consumer, to benefit their own bottom line. Now with Basic Income Guaranteed it is suggested that there is no tax at a personal level and no tax at a corporate level and that one only works with either sales tax or value added tax or, if necessary, with an import duty.

Charities and foundations should be eradicated because they are actually only duplicating the work that should have been done by the government – and the government being the people, the government is not a separate corporation and it is the social arm of the people. Therefore all the work done by charities is actually the work and responsibilities of the government of the citizens, for the citizens. And this duplication exists in order to be able to evade tax, placing governments under pressure to borrow more money, taking vast parts of the budget going towards interest is quite a foolish thing to do because that just makes the government more ineffective.

The most sought after jobs in the world should be those within the government that will require the highest level of expertise with very clear guidelines to ensure that the work delivered at all times is without question the best that can be. After all the foundation of respect between citizens is based on effectively delivering goods and services required to live. This is being hampered by the current methodology where especially profit and tax evasion plays a role and where the services of government are undermined – in many cases deliberately – simply to make profit quickly. This type of behavior which is a form of financial treason, should be outlawed in every way.

And therefore the positioning of accounting services really should be replaced by automation – this implies a universal software that is linked to the banking industry which is under Basic Income Guaranteed which automatically assesses the profit margins and automatically keeps a tap on the income to make sure that the minimum wage is always adhered to, as well as ensuring that nobody can defraud the system. The only reason why there is no transparency at any level when money moves is because there is dishonesty. Absolute transparency means nothing is hidden and one should also apply this within the context of the pricing of goods so that one ensures that when a company is operational, there is enough money moving to ensure everyone gets their wages and that there is sufficient profit for the investors, so that at the end of the day the sales tax and the value added tax are paid effectively. All of that can be automated, removing the human factor that at this stage causes so many problems, because of the temptation that still exists to abuse the use of resources for personal benefit.This will only be stopped in time through education and understanding how peace and harmony depend on our ability to trust one another.

Equal Life Foundation Research Team


Basic Income Guaranteed and Taxation

2 thoughts on “Living Income Guaranteed: Taxation and Transparency

    The Demon in Democracy « Living Income Guaranteed said:
    April 30, 2014 at 3:17 pm

    […] implementation of nationalization, the redirection of military budgets and changes toward indirect taxation as a solution to be able to use the profit and savings for the common good, such as providing for […]

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