
Living Income Guaranteed and the Rise of the Machine

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This will be an ongoing discussion wherein slowly but surely we will dissect the situation around the idea that the machine could be ‘the savior of mankind.’

Within this we have to first look at where we are with the machine as it exists now:

  • What is this machine?
  • What have we done with this machine?
  • How is this machine functioning in our current society?

Here let me give you a story…

About three years ago, one of the neighbors came and we were discussing things in general, he then mentioned an interesting event, a family member tendered for the engine block of one of the new Toyota models that were going to be produced. The specifications of the tender were that the block must last for a warranty period of five years. So in their diligence and commitment to get the tender, they engineered an engine block that would last 8 years. Obviously they were under the impression that if you produce something better than the specifications, your tender will probably receive a more positive view. Fascinatingly enough their tender was rejected, because it did not keep to the specification of a warranty of 5 years.

Now the engine block of a motorcar is engineered, produced and constructed by the machine, but who makes the machine that makes the engine block? That is the human and the human intent.
If we take this now to a broader view of many, many products that are available in stores, we’ll notice that many of them are produced by the machine. But regardless of being produced by the machine (which by the way ensures a greater level of perfection than when it is produced by the human) – in total disregard of this potential perfection, the human would design the machine to produce the goods to only last a limited period of time. This causes massive levels of consumption, placing massive pressure on resources and all in the name of creating a market flow which produces money and profit, which produces – according to our well-drilled brainwashed economists –a market economy that’s necessary to keep the world economy going.

And within this obviously, the competition that exists between the remaining few corporations in this game of monopoly, is to see ‘who can destroy who’ in price wars. It’s an economic war going on and at the end ‘only one shall remain’ – and the one that remains obviously will determine in the end the quality of the product produced. If the consumer has already been conditioned by the fact that nothing else is available but that which has a limited warranty, the corporation can keep producing the same product over and over again, knowing that it will fail within a particular period of time where the consumer will be addicted and adapted to have the product and thus must replace it by their own apparent ‘free choice’ — and so a market force is being created.

Is this really the purpose of ‘the Rise of the Machine’?
What is the machine replacing but the human labor point?
By replacing human labor what we have already seen is that many people lose their jobs and even those that remain employed, end up receiving lower incomes with only the few at the top receiving higher incomes. In this way it is ensured that those that do make the decisions, do not question the system; those that do not make the decisions have no choice, because otherwise they will have no job because of their diminished bargaining power in an economy with high unemployment.

So, a perfect slavery system exists – all in the name of the machine and the machine is blamed for it, instead of the human.

Certainly in a redesigned economy, the machine can play a significant role in perfecting the products available for the human race to use, perfecting the reduction of resources used in the production process, extending the life of the produced product as part of this perfection. Through this, allowing the human to benefit from their placement of the labor resource by ensuring that there is significant and enough basic income for each one to ensure that the product produced can be consumed but for mostly to ensure that the right to life is recognized as a human right, allowing the human to have more free time in which to develop their awareness to become more benevolent, less competitive and self-responsible. Those are the points which should be the outflow of the rise of the machine: a reduction in competition thus a reduction in conflict, a reduction in war and the development of quality production and sustainability, because the principles are understood as what is necessary to have an ecosystem that is effective and supportive in nourishing the human race as a whole. Unfortunately, this is yet to be considered.

You should watch the documentary

The Light Bulb Conspiracy to understand the nature of the problem: the problem is the human being, not the machine. The machine certainly can create and contribute to a society that brings vast levels of freedom to everyone and our society can develop a higher purpose for its existence. At the moment, we’re at the most basic part of our existence where there’s not even a Basic Income, there’s not even a Living Income for everyone! While this could have been possible if this was introduced as the machine was rising but instead, those brutal enough to take advantage of the situation forced a play that caused a massive problem in the world, and now all the top people, the elite in the world has no idea how to practically solve the problem.

So the solution to the problem is not apparent, more radical steps are being considered. I would suggest that the real radical step is to realize that the mistake was made when labor was removed from the equation of the pricing of a product, and it was replaced by the labor of the machine, you cannot compare the two: the machine is actually an extension of human labor and therefore the human should be glorified through it, it found a better way to create more time. But now instead, those that do not fit into the economic model are forced to use all their time to find ways to survive – that is certainly not the way forward.


Living Income Guaranteed, become part of the research. If your objective and your principle is like ours: to find a practical solution that is best for all that works for everyone and you can see that obviously that is the only way we will have a workable solution on earth, then join us. There is no way that an answer on Earth is going to come through an individual, it’s going to require a group, the group as humanity to work together, to bury the hatchet and to forgive each other and to move on and create a system that is best for all – there is no other solution possible. And to simply try and ‘find ways’ that do not involve an outcome that is best for all: is just a waste of time.

Equal Life Foundation Research Team


Living Income Guaranteed and the Rise of the Machine

BIG Pilot Project Namibia: a Perspective

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Now, my perspective is probably going to be quite unique. I was born in Windhoek [Bernard Poolman] growing up in Okahandja, very close to Ontjivero where they did the BIG Pilot Project. Growing up in the community and with the culture and with a unique understanding of the dynamics there, allowed me to see how things really work – let me give my two cents of this project.
The project was based on giving a community a 100 Namibian dollars a month as a basic Income. Now, first point is to understand that Namibian dollars are not American dollars, it is very easy to mistake this point. so to give you at the current exchange rate an estimate, a 100 Namibian dollars = 10 American Dollars approximately, so it is certainly not a Basic Income that is being given, it is not making any significant change, it does not impact the ‘dollar a day’ poverty bracket, it doesn’t even take the person over that. So from the perspective of what a Basic Income should be, this is hardly a ‘Pilot Project,’ it’s more a feel-good project and certainly not something with which one can sway a government to implement a Basic Income Project.
Next, Ontjivero is far out, there are no industries as such, there’s no employment as such, the only thing the people can do there is buy consumer stuff which are very basic survival stuffs, and obviously buy alcohol as that is the foundation of each of the smaller communities, because they have no entertainment, they have nothing else to do and it’s become part of the culture. It is the same culture that is being used by ‘the white man’ so to speak over centuries, keeping the locals busy with a very structured way of alcohol consumption – when they have money, the tendency is to get some more.


The products/ the goods that will come in and those that may start a little business to sell to the community will be buying this in the closest towns which is either Okahandja, but more probably Windhoek because your hyper stores are in Windhoek, Okahandja as a community is really very small – and the goods will be sold as prices that are highly inflated because the consumer base in Ontjivero is very small, so you have to make profit, you have to make quite a profit on every product sold. A 100 Dollars a person extra into the economic scenario will obviously bring a significant increase in spending power from the spending power they had before. So it will look like it is a ‘significant point,’ but one needs to look at what was there before this pittance was added to remind the people of how little they have.
So some will make some more money and there will be more food on the table because the staple foods being mealiemeel which is porridge made from corn, selling approximately at 80 rand (+- 8 us dollars or 6 euros) for a bag of 10 kilograms, which will feed a person, probably for about 10 days with 3 meals a day – obviously who cares that they are eating the same food 3 times a day, which in itself leads to malnutrition – nobody would ever do that in the western world, eating 3 same meals a day for a whole month, but that is what it boils down to, you can buy one staple food that will last for part of the month, and you have to eat the same food every day. And the fact that there is no electricity or running water or toilets or anything relevant to a normal town scenario – that means there are no costs for that, but there are also no benefits of this – would mean that a significant amount of time is spent in preparing food because the person would have to go into the veld to find wood for the fire, they’ll have to go and get water and then they have to cook the food on the fire. Now the pots they cook this food in are iron pots, an iron pot costs in the region of 300 Namibian Dollars, that’s without the transport to get it there – that is if you buy it in town (capital) and obviously the transport from Ontjivero to the closest town is quite expensive because it is a significant way to travel.
To give you an idea, I grew up in a small town where there was no entertainment. To get to the closest movie theatre, was 80 kilometers, to go and do shopping from the whole sellers – because you couldn’t find all the stuff in the small town – was 80 kilometers. So it is a significant point that must be planned well and that is quite costly to bring resources to the town.



Now there was some researcher from Germany writing a negative article about the pilot project and some of his observations only confirm the level of ignorance that exists within the so-called ‘researchers.’ One of his complaints was that the Namibian University was not involved in the research project. To involve a person – or several of them from that university in the project – will cost more than the total money that goes into the pilot project – that should be realized as the first point.

Secondly, the level of Education of the people in an area like that is so insignificant, their capacity so stunted as the current research shows that a person that grows up in poverty will be equal to a person that had a stroke, which would mean that their ability to answer questions – specially from a person not understanding the basic cultural language, even through an interpreter – is not going to get you relevant feedback, because you don’t understand the dynamics that exist within the survival pattern of the particular group of people.
And in Namibia, the basic language for instance there would be like Herero and Afrikaans, as English is not a major language, specially outside the cities to such a degree that when I came to South Africa in 1981, I failed my first year university because I couldn’t speak English, because English was not emphasized – although obviously under the auspices of the ‘United Nations’ and all the wonderful tools with which they pretend to stop poverty, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and stuff like that, the main language has been made English but there has been no significant input to bring about this change, specially where it’s outside the main centers.
So the person is not going to be able to understand the context of the questions and the interpretation of any form of research material will hardly be of any significant value.



Furthermore this researcher claimed that there were no empirical economists to overview the project, so now you want to add another part of the Empireconomists to this whole pile which will increase the cost even more, because this empire – you call them ‘empirical’ I call them ‘Empire-Economists’ because they justify the process of empire – these Empire Economists will cost even more for money that could have gone to the Basic Income Project will now be diverted to the few researches which – whether they’re black or white are in fact actually white, because those blacks that are significantly educated become like white people, because that’s how the brainwashing functions.
So, the research would not have been significant because the statistics used would be to justify why the project can’t work which is exactly what your major organizations like the World Bank and the IMF actually do. Their point is not to find a working model, their point is to justify the model they’re already using and therefore, they’ve already shut down the Basic Income Grant overall because there is no way at the level of the brainwashed Empireconomists where there is any form of understanding that there could be a better system that will involve for instance a Basic Income Grant.
Furthermore this researcher – I don’t know if one can call them ‘researchers’ if they are that ignorant, but let’s attempt to value this point – claimed that in all the years has been ‘no infrastructure development‘. Now tell me, in a community where a bag of mealiemeel is nearly the price of the 100 Namibian Dollar allowance, you want to tell me they have sufficient to buy bricks to do some improvement. Now to give you an idea of what the price is for a brick, the price for a brick before delivery and the delivery will double the price due to the distance – virtually where this is located, the bricks are 5 rand each which is 5 Namibian Dollar Each, which gives you 20 bricks if you take the Basic Income Grant allowance that was received by a person that can buy 20 bricks a month if they don’t eat bricks, they don’t buy food and they accumulate it, it will take them several years to have enough bricks to build an outside toilet, just to satisfy these dear researcher’s peculiar strange conclusion.
So I would not pay much attention to those that claim they are working at some University in some project, doing some form of research that apparently means that they care about what’s going on, they are just being paid with grants, grants that should have been focused on and pulled together for a Basic Income Grant. All these researchers will no longer exist in a Living Income Guaranteed project because there, people will do research because they really care, not because they need the money or they pretend to care. I would not give much attention to how this is all being viewed.
Overall, there would be some change, I mean having money to buy mealiemeel and to have some food where you have virtually no income in a community, certainly is a massive impact, but is it significant that it will actually make a permanent change to the cultural tradition and to the human nature in that area? No, it will not make any significant difference, it will not bring about significant change where the person can make a life changing decision because there is no possibility. This particular Pilot Project is more a project where one will have a look at how effective slavery can exist within the minimum income bracket of the poverty line as accepted. One can call the BIG Project rather a World Bank or an International Monetary Fund Project. Obviously it’s been funded by the church which is some of the significant influencers and supporters of things like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, because the church does not question the suffering and poverty, they in fact ensure that it exists.

So therefore the money that is there is really completely insignificant, the project is insignificant – obviously the people are grateful, they’ve got some ‘more food,’ food that otherwise would not have been there and due to the continuous process of globalization that is even affecting Namibia, there will be less food and less money in this type of communities. But if you guys can continue getting the money to this people, let me tell you: they really need it, it’ll buy them some mealiemeel, they will smile for you, you can take some snaps and publish it all over and tell the world how good you are because you are feeding the starving – they will make a living, they will survive, they will give you the photo opportunity and the public relations opportunity – but don’t fool yourself, your Pilot Project is insignificant and is of no real value. In fact, it only gives an actual overview of the nature of the current Basic Income Grant Project, that the people behind it don’t have a clue what it means to make a difference in a person’s life, it is actually disrespectful to do so little and to blow it out of proportion so much.

So it is important to realize that economics should not be based on statistics, it must be based on fact and another word for fact, the word for Economic Fact is Mathematics and for that you need correct data and then you can work out what is the real situation and what is best.

Now what I suggest to a researcher: if you want to have a model of establishing what would be acceptable in another person’s life: you start with your life and you assess what it takes to have your lifestyle. you do the mathematical data collection and then you start to remove stuff from your life to see at what level you reach the point where your lifestyle is no longer acceptable, and when you get to your threshold, then you have to live that for a significant period, like for instance in the BIG Pilot Project it’s being going on for several years so you have to live at this threshold for several years and then see if it is still acceptable.
From that perspective you can work out exactly what you would be willing to live with as a Basic Income and thus, that is what you propose for everyone else because then you do onto others as you would like to be done onto and thus you give as you would like to receive, and so unless a researcher in economics follows the principle of assessing their own lifestyle and establishing what is acceptable or not within their own life – they have no way except a mathematical way to establish what is valid and what is not.
So at the moment we have no real data all around about establishing an Economic System in the world that is Best for All. The Living Income Guaranteed as we are proposing is coming with suggested data models, how to take data into account and how to adjust the structure of consumerism and thus improve capitalism to bring about a sustainable Basic Income for everyone that qualifies.
So investigate the Living Income Guaranteed – we really care and actually do research.

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BIG Pilot Project Namibia -  a Perspective

Will the Living Income Guaranteed cause Inflation?

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One must first understand Inflation. Many years ago I asked a big shot in the bank a definition for inflation and his answer was quite incoherent, it’s like a matter of opinion. So we should rather look at the facts, than the opinions and justifications of ‘What inflation is?’and ‘Why does it exist?’

In a way if we go back in history, inflation can be seen as an extension of the cruelty of man. When there is not enough, then the so-called ideology of ‘Supply and Demand’ allows the greedy to increase prices and sell to the highest bidder, ensuring that the ideology that ‘money is power’ becomes ingrained in the human consciousness.

Another perspective of inflation is that it is an extension of Public Relations and Advertising.In advertising the real picture is photoshopped to make it more aligned with the mind, the mind becomes controlled by these images, goes into association and a relationship of comparison and then judges reality according to these pictures. This mechanism creates desires which produce the same type of supply and demand where the human who is controlled by these images and propaganda will do whatever they can to buy a product that is being inflated in its image.

Now the clever thing about this inflation of products by Public Relations is that you have to read the small print. The big print is all the fake and false images – the small print contains all the legal truths. The real truth about anything is always the small print because there you know you get the information about side effects, warranties, planned obsolescence, all the negative stuff is in the small print while all the positive stuff is in the big print. This is the same nature of positive thinking: it inflates the image on the positive side, it diminishes the negative side causing extreme imbalance that eventually reflects itself in general society as poverty and wealth.

Let’s look at another point of inflation: the deliberate inflation of prices to increase the profits of the corporation.As mechanization has been increasing – which should simply function as the replacement of labor, not the replacement of employment: more and more jobs are lost.Yet, prices are still being inflated. And now we sit with massive unemployment, inflated pricing, a problem with supply and demand because people don’t have money to buy and consume. So despite an appearance of inflation, the economic reality is that the economies are shrinking and not inflating– and you sit with the problem that your real value of a product has been lost a long time ago, because the real value has been labor all along.. And because the ideas of saving, competition, inflating the corporation and the war for a monopolized control has become the way of the world — the reality of what really exists is no longer easily accessible because: all we have is our inflated images.

So obviously if we have to keep following this distorted view of reality which is justified through the word ‘inflation,’ which is just a model of statistics – and you can check out the previous blog about the uselessness of statistics (
A Living Income Guaranteed is the BIG Issue) the statistics just inflate the idea that you know what you’re talking about, so statistics is just another form of inflation, it’s just Public Relations. It’s just a fake and false image and likeness with which the actual data is distorted so that those that benefit from having control and access to resources through this inflated view can justify why it is that the things are the way they are, why poverty is so immense and expansive… And so you’ll have the curious bizarre thing happening, for instance that the corporate top dogs and the loyalty they buy from people that are in the corporation – as well as their income – has been skyrocketing for at least the last 30 years. So these massive profits are used to buy loyalty which protects the top dogs. This same illness is now part of the government where people’s loyalty is bought so that they can protect the wealth of the few while the majority of people on Earth are existing in one or two dollars a day – and that’s quite okay apparently because the image is inflated to say that “That is enough for them to make a living.”


If we do not change the system, this Inflation point will have an effect. Obviously if the Living Income Guaranteed becomes a reality, we have to change the economic model: it’s not working, it has a fake and false inflated image by economists that are not worthy of the word ‘Economist’ because they are not managing and researching the ecology, the ecosystem of the world to ensure that every human being’s basic Human Rights are being protected.

Therefore everything you know about ‘Economics’ as several people that were brave enough to stand up have said “you have just being been lied to” –  Economy/the Economists, the ideas of Economics are all just a lie and so is inflation – the image is inflated, the truth and the data are not real and the human being has been mislead to believe that their data should not be in the hands of a central agency to actually create a stable environment. And so, the corporation and the propagandists can say that they’re doing and acting according to the will of the people, because the problem of inflation even exists there, the specific ideas and conspiracies have been inflated deliberately to create this image and likeness that the human’s will is apparently democratically being adhered to – It’s all in the image and likenesses of inflation.

For this all to work, you better study the Living Income Guaranteed proposal where we show what is necessary to be in place for a balanced society, where we show and expose all the inflations and propagandas and misdirection, where we show that at the end, even those in the current BIG proposals only have inflated egos – so inflation is really everywhere. Nowadays we even have inflation in terms of what it does to the body because the food is no longer supportive of the body, because Health is not really on the agenda of those that make policy,it’s all about profit.

Inflation is a danger all around and unless we stop all inflation – which is just a mind job – and we get back to reality and work with actual data based on the physical, our economic balance on Earth will not be restored, we will not have an ecosystem that supports Life on Earth and that protects the Human Rights of Every Human Being.


Equal Life Foundation Research Team


Inflation and the Living Income Guaranteed

Living Income Guaranteed with Labor as Interest

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With the nationalization of banks within the Basic Income Guaranteed and the eradication of interest on money, the money supply will grow as a function of labor. The labor has a capital value that will increase the money supply. This has been effectively used by the Germans where they made labor one of the foundations of their economic system. And within the Basic Income Guaranteed where you have a basic income for all your basic needs and you have a guaranteed minimum wage that is double the Basic Income Guaranteed, your labor value will be predetermined as part of every product and service produced.

This means that the input of your labor as value is reflected and revealed within the price of goods and services. This way each person will understand that part of the price is another person’s livelihood, and that as you give = you will receive. Labor then becomes part of the economic value system, part of the production cost – which must be valued sufficiently to be able to support the laborer.

Labor is the action of the human with a measurable value which will be like the accumulation of interest and you’ll have a compound interest effect, which will have the effect of an ever expanding economy, ensuring that everyone in the country has sufficient support to have a dignified life. This is a fascinating point that economists should have adopted long ago, but unfortunately labor has been demonized instead of realizing that that is the actual only real interest that can exist within a system based on money.

Equal Life Foundation Research Team

Basic Income Guaranteed with Labor as Interest

Living Income Guaranteed and Education

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One of the fundamental issues in the world today is that education has become irrelevant, because it is based on the value that you can give to a corporation or a business to make a profit. Therefore even your labor and your education do not belong to you and do not add value to the system and do not allow you to effectively participate in the world for the betterment of everyone.
In South Africa for instance, there’s now a point system where your education is based on a life-long learning process that accumulates points. In the Basic Income Guaranteed system, education will be the enhancement of your labor value – your labor value being the capital growth that you add to the system. It will also be the way we add money to the money supply and the way we grow the economy. According to your education and the points you add to your labor value, your service and labor fees that will determine your income value will accordingly increase at a guaranteed level, as it will be a set framework that is equal for everyone.

We will be able to increase our capacity to earn by increasing our labor value through increasing our education. This is why education will be important to be at a quality and evaluation level that is equal, so that the labor value increase is equal. The form of competition within the system would then be your drive to improve your labor value through education. This will bring education back into value and it will ensure that those with effective accumulated labor value increase, as education will take prominent positions based on the quality of labor which will thus produce a new living standard within the world system: it will bring about a quality in service, a quality in the general living conditions of the human as we will have a system of education based on integrity as a result of having an economic system based on integrity.

Our labor will be worth our value, which will be important especially in terms of the Basic Income Guaranteed because your service fee/labor fee will carry a value of service tax/ sales tax/ value added tax which is a form of tax value that is created through labor and not through resource, and thus will facilitate in large, the ability of the system to supply and to sustain a Basic Income Guaranteed.


Equal Life Foundation Research Team


Basic Income Guaranteed and Education

Living Income Guaranteed and Commodity Pricing

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The theories about free market suggest that supply and demand determine the price and that apparently there is a ‘market force’ that is determining at the end of the day who will be wealthy and who will be poor. The odds – if you know from playing Monopoly – are that ‘he who has the money will be wealthy because they will get more’. This is happening very effectively with commodity pricing, because the future’s market and the establishment of pricing through this common oddity instead of common sense – for example, determining the price of food this way like in a giant casino – is certainly not a way for any competent government that represents citizens to enable feeding its people.

Take for instance food in a capitalistic world where labor is a capital and your food is a capital, and the seat of your government is a capital and the money you have is a capital: the creation of food and feeding one’s citizens and then making available the surplus in the open markets is the way it should function. Where the establishment of food prices is based on the labor input and the cost input and the historical growth in value through the accumulated effort of the human’s participation on Earth. These are the aspects that must be part of the pricing system to ensure that those people have no need for a Basic Income, because there is sufficient profit for those involved in creating the food to make a decent living, to pay the farm laborers properly so that they can do their work with a loving heart and not because they are forced to do it because they have no other means to make a living.

Imagine! all the people that are into the ideas of ‘consciousness’ for instance, already have this inclination that ‘the hands that touch things have an influence on its constitution’. This would imply that if your food is produced by poor people desperate to make a living that are not getting enough money, constantly experiencing anger, anxiety and fear = that would be transferred to our food and because we accept that as ‘okay,’ we accept the consequence of this form of production as ‘okay’ and as such, we accept the consequence of placing this in our body as ‘okay’ without realizing and understanding how is it that within this we contribute and participate in creating more disease on Earth.

Within the commodities’ markets, food pricing and the giant casino, those that make profits do not care about this because they can create another health product to sell and place on the markets, continuing the cycle of supply and demand which results in forced labor and economic slavery.

With Basic Income Guaranteed we suggest that we start looking at the real science, not only the genetic modification that is attempted to be controlled through patents and influencing the food supply to influence the palate of the population and have control over it and thus control over price. Price control in Basic Income Guaranteed is not a matter of control, it’s a matter of common sense: if the labor part of the food production is not healthy = the food cannot be healthy as the investigation into water crystals by Masaru Emoto indicated – and then it cannot produce a healthy society because the pricing isn’t healthy, the capitalistic system isn’t healthy, there is not enough money moving and your debt will increase! And then, because you are creating the system through a form of conflict, the only way you can then save the system is through conflict. Capitalism throughout time has been proven to ‘need war’ to continue existing and regenerate the economy, to create jobs and to create money for a minority.

Commodity markets and open markets need a new definition where a country produces a particular commodity, it first supplies its own citizens and the surplus – which can be determined as to what is needed in the world, just as it is done with oil – can be sold to all the other countries that need a particular commodity so that they can have access to it on the open market at a price that does not cause poverty and starvation, but that enhances the global economy.

Labor has lost all capital value which means if your labor is worth nothing = you have no power with which to ensure your wellbeing financially, health-wise and in all ways of your own family – and then a country is not able to support its citizens through proper government. And here the capitalist, the wealthy person needs to understand the simplicity of the Basic Income Guaranteed. If you have citizens that have more money to spend and you only have a system that focuses on competition based on pricing, will cause less money to flow. Therefore we propose that competition is based on value, technology and effectiveness.

If one competes on things that are genuinely valuable like a better warranty, better quality product or a unique and innovative product, it is a healthy use of competition that doesn’t cause harm: it enhances the product. But to compete based on price alone, claiming that global prices are going to be ‘good for the citizens’ while the quality of the products is dropping all the time indicates that there’s something really wrong in our reasoning! Because the evidence is very clear that this is not how reality works. The very fact that this is even allowed and not seen as treason because of the way it harms the citizen = that is even more revealing to what extent we are not yet aware of how we have caused our own crisis and demise.

How labor loses capital value with lower commodity pricing and that lower prices create job loss, unemployment and starvation, should be part of our common sensical understanding of the economy. Yet, do you see any of this in the news? Do our journalists actually even comprehend the fact that they are not actually reporting the root and cause of the problems we hear and read about every day? This is a massive problem when we fail to see how it is through our common acceptance of economic inequality that we then accept every single problem and consequential outflow that stems from failing to support every single individual to live in the best possible sustainable manner.

The facts are that if the labor that is put into the production of something like food is not compensated effectively in and through the price, and if the distribution is not compensated and all participants within the creation of the food process are not compensated properly = then we are creating poverty through producing food.

How have we created poverty? We have food at a lower price which means less tax = which means a weaker social service = which means there is not enough money to support all the citizens – this is why we end up with revolutions – Why would we do that deliberately, unless it is that we don’t even understand – after our so called evolution – that we are actually creating the problem with ideologies like a ‘free market forces’ and ‘supply and demand.’

Supply and demand is very simple, it should be based on: What is the supply? Is there enough food for everyone? Which means that the demand is how much we need, what’s the surplus and whether the profit made from it actually supports everyone that is involved in the production process to make a decent living – this is what supply and demand is in a practical civil way. The ways that are currently used are downright counterproductive and detrimental to our global economy.

If you can see within integrity and common sense the problem that we are presenting here, then support a solution that is real: educate yourself, step out of your self-interest and realize that we must work together as one within a democracy to bring about real change.

Equal Life Foundation Research Team

Basic Income Guaranteed and Commodity Pricing

Living Income and Lower Pricing

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Economic theory has proven throughout time to be ineffective to manage the resources to ensure that each individual is a beneficiary and effective participant within the sustainability of the world system. We suggest banishing economic theory to the category of conspiracy theory because the evidence of the last few decades shows very clearly that our economists conspire to create greater inequality to destroy the capacity of the economy to provide sufficient jobs within a system that can support the citizens of the world, yet the opposite happens wherein all production is kept in the hands of a few corporations. So far economists have been unable to come up with a solution that will work for the world, while those that benefit from the current applied economic conspiracy theories are becoming astoundingly wealthy and there seems to be no end to this.


We also have to look at cognitive disinformation here. Our psychology is also just based on theory that does not properly educate the people on how the mind functions, instead it actually uses the facets of the mind that causes addiction and control – like emotions, feelings and thoughts – to become the accepted ways of human existence, which are then used through advertising, media and Hollywood to condition the human to accept the current conditions on Earth and not question reality. Furthermore our education system and our education theories have reduced the capacity of the human to reason to such an extent that we have a complete dumbed down society with an inability to do basic math or to read and investigate words to understand their actual meaning. Instead, the ideology is created that one must make things sound great without conveying practical solutions and their application. It is a form of complete disassociated information transfer where the consumer system foundation relies on savings and getting products cheaper, because that is competition according to what economic theory suggests.


You should take a piece of paper and do some math: if you reduce price which implies that you are reducing the value of labor, you are also reducing income, which is what’s happened now for decades. The real income of the human has decreased, inflation has increased for certain things, some of the basic things have become cheaper and then there’s the enticement about savings.

This lower pricing mechanism exists when you have a machine taking over the human labor – which should be based on a capital and advancement of the human capacity and thus should value the human existence more; however, the opposite has happened. With reduced price, reduced income, unemployment increases yet it is recognized as economic efficiency, a capitalistic type of advancement. At the same time we have exchange rates, where certain countries have a high value currency and others a low value currency, which is then used to transfer resources between countries done under the disguise of corporations – which are owned by politicians – creating monopolies that cause extensive poverty. The fact is that this transfer of resources in theory should benefit all the citizens of a country.


Here we can have a look at our early Game Theory that was taught at home through games like Monopoly which has played a major role in becoming part of the accepted theory of how one should live on Earth. Causing the acceptance of just a few major property owners to exist in the world, and their property being not necessarily land or resources, but money – and because they have a lot = apparently the system is working for everyone! Which we all know is not at all so.


This lower price ideology has caused major problems such as the theory that ‘Basic Income will increase prices’, which is apparently a ‘bad thing’. Obviously prices must increase, we have to create more money, we have to show the value of the human, otherwise capitalism cannot work. Human labor is capital and that capital should be increasing because the basic capacity and knowledge of the human race has been increasing and therefore, a greater value should be placed on it. Instead, the value is diminishing and through that, the level of inequality and the amount of people in the world that is living on the breadline (or should we say ‘dead-line’?) is increasing and is they have nothing else to do every single day but to spend their total time finding enough to just survive. Being occupied with survival also means that they cannot even challenge the current system, because they don’t have time to educate themselves and engineer solutions that can solve the problem. We also have come to accept that those that are in good positions and have enough resources and time to reason out the problem have seemingly lost the plot and are unable to apply simple basic principles like 1+1=2.


If we want to feed the world and we want to use a system like capitalism = we have to create enough money. We can create enough money by valuing the production sufficiently so that within the profit – or the gross profit of the product – there is sufficient money to make sure that everyone that is part of the production – even historically – earns enough money from it. That would increase the potential for everyone’s wealth, and if one does this properly: it’ll reduce inequality.


We cannot approach Basic Income Guaranteed in this world by using the current accepted economic conspiracy theories or by valuing our current economists. We suggest acquiring basic education on how the world system operates through reading people like Noam Chomsky, and you’ll see what it means to have critical reasoning and what it means to be able to think for yourself. However understanding and realizing the reality of what he shares is not enough, we have to get involved in the political arena so that the problem we have with our education can be solved. This can be done within the understanding that if we don’t create solutions at a political level through common consent, we will all end up in a position where we have no power – and this is exactly what has happened. The citizen now in the world has got no political power because we have been influenced through the media by information without having the ability to discern between what is actual reality – that would result mathematically in what is best or all – and what is conspiracy theory that is based on creating a ‘feeling’ within us that controls our behavior and our voice, causing us to be and become in essence part of the problem.


For a capitalistic system to work and to create enough Basic Income for everyone – meaning having enough to survive and to be able to have a basic life on Earth as in having our basic needs fulfilled – there needs to be sufficient money moving that is produced through the accumulated labor and time and input through time. This should have been growing for generations now and the world should have been a place of wealth, but instead seemingly deliberately but possibly astoundingly through a form of deliberate sabotage, instead of creating a growing economy existent as the result of accumulated labor, intelligence and research over time, we have been reducing our capacity to look after the citizens of the world, and continue to justify that in every way possible using theories and opinions instead of dealing with facts. Even our legal system deals with opinions, our psychology deals with opinions, our education deals with opinions, our politics deals with opinions – we don’t hear facts. Our media which should be a journal of reality: deals with opinions, not facts. It actually shapes opinions instead of acting in a way that ensures that this journey on Earth is worthwhile for every human. We do not have journalists with integrity, it is unfortunate – but this will come to an end because the situation is going to escalate exponentially.


Only thinking about the solution doesn’t make them tangible and practical in reality and as such, it is part of the problem of why the world’s economic system is collapsing. It’s time to change, time to get some basic education on how we can decide how economy works and give ourselves practical direction so that we can move on to a system where the Basic Income of each human is Guaranteed.



Equal Life Foundation Research Team



Basic Income Guaranteed and Lower Pricing

Living Income Guaranteed and Property Ownership

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Basic Income Guaranteed is particularly focused on those situations where a person is not in a position to have sufficient income to be able to participate as an equal within society through spending, purchasing, ensuring the basic needs required for a human to exist. There are conditions where a Basic Income Guaranteed is not required meaning that those that have = do not qualify for a Basic Income Guaranteed which is destined to ensure that there is enough income available to support those when in trouble, or when society is not yet able to produce sufficient jobs.

One of the foundations of capitalism is owning property, but also one of the foundations of capitalism is having a society that is able to consume because they have the means with which to do so, and this is why it is suggested that a balance must be struck.

The basic regulation would be that if you have more than one house you’re owning = you do not qualify for a Basic Income Guaranteed because you are able – due to your property value – to sustain yourself or at the very least, you’ll have to sell one of the properties and then if you do not have employment, you’ll be able to qualify for a Basic Income Guaranteed.

Another point is Investments. If you are able to sustain yourself through your investments – that means you have money somewhere in some form = you won’t need such investments any longer, because the Basic Income Guaranteed will also act as a pension. Eventually, a mechanism will have to be established to see at which level investment would be sufficient so that you are no longer dependent on the Basic Income Guaranteed and you are able to sustain yourself. Therefore savings or investments from the perspective of it creating sufficient wealth for you to sustain yourself will automatically place you in a position where you do not require a Basic Income Guaranteed, because you are able to financially sustain yourself.

Capital growth is thus one of the points that will be promoted within a Basic Income Guaranteed system because it will eventually create a situation where one will be able to be financially self-sustained, and the objective is to get each human to be financially self-sustained so that you are no longer dependent on your social systems – pension plans, insurance, loans, investments – as well as acquiring the skill to use capital in a way that you actually are able to sustain your existence. Then capitalism will become a functional system that benefits everyone with this necessary support when needed and a necessary responsibility when your Basic Income Guaranteed is no longer required. This also places one within the self-development mindset that capitalism represents where you specifically acquire skills to eventually free yourself from the needed support, because you have been able to create for yourself a self-support system. Within your hierarchy of needs this would mean that you have achieved a level of self-fulfillment, thus a higher level of living within responsibility.

The psychological benefit one can find within capitalism will be worthwhile as it is structured practically within this reality, you do not have the stress that comes if you get to fail in your endeavor and you have nowhere to go, because there will be support. And as we have noticed within capitalism, one tends to fail the first few times because you haven’t got the skills yet and the experience, although that should be developed also within the education system so that failure is limited to the minimum, because failure means resources get wasted and when resources get wasted: it becomes more difficult to have a sustainable balanced system.

Equal Life Foundation Research Team


 Basic Income Guaranteed and Property Ownership

Living Income Guaranteed and Oil

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Oil falls under the resource identity that is required by all as a national resource. Therefore the suggestion is that the total oil industry gets nationalized and oil becomes that which facilitates both the Basic Income Guaranteed and the economic growth with the price kept stable so that the profit is sustainable to support the citizens of a country. The countries that don’t have access to oil or gas are supported through agreements that makes it possible for them to also facilitate a Basic Income Guaranteed and for their economy to be stable, so that there is a stable international trade where people and countries can exchange goods for fair value. This implies that if one country produces more of a particular product than another, it is then distributed worldwide to be available for all citizens of the world, because the production of goods that is dependent on the Earth directly – like food and raw materials – should be able to be distributed in an effective way where the profit as such is directed towards supporting citizens specifically.

Capitalism in terms of where one will then come up with ingenuity to produce something extraordinary that people pay more for, should be based on enhancing the lifestyle on Earth, these are the products based on taking raw materials and creating something out of it. The point of some benefiting from raw materials just because they apparently ‘own the land’ throughout generations – which in all cases if one investigates it, it was always taken from someone that owned it before, and those were normally your natural people that lived in a particular area – is simply not acceptable because that has caused poverty and in fact, anything that is done in a way to limit the distribution of resources to the benefit of the citizens of a country is an act of treason against the nation and the citizens; because the government at the end of the day is that which represents the citizens and anything that is done to harm citizens = is there to harm government which is indirectly citizens and so is a form of treason – that is unacceptable.

Our definition of what is legitimate and what is criminal needs to be sorted out so that we can move forward in a stable world and stop all this abuse that takes place all in the name of control and profit.

There are simple solutions to these problems and there are easy and effective ways with which all people in the world can be supported in a very quick manner. The situation in the world is worsening extensively where businesses will get into trouble a lot quicker; there are big problems on the horizon and many can experience it first-hand. The global recession is going to deepen and get much worse, so action needs to be taken now and within a short few years, one can have a new system in place which only requires one thing from each human: a change of mind, a change of heart, to open your heart to also consider other people one and equal as yourself.

Equal Life Foundation Research Team

Basic Income Guaranteed and Oil

Living Income and Minimum Wage

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One of the big concerns that people have is that “If everyone gets a living wage, who is going to do all the dirty work?” because nobody wants to do it. So, in a Basic Income Guaranteed approach it’s going to be vital to change the ‘living wage’ or the Basic Minimum Wage and here it is suggested that it should be at least double the Basic Income Guaranteed so that it is a motivation for people that would like to live a more extravagant or luxurious life to actually do the work – whether it is a janitor, a road worker, a gardener, a child-minder, whomsoever works – and thus does not depend on the Basic Income Guaranteed, gets a minimum wage that is double the Basic Income Guaranteed, that will ensure that there is motivation for people to do the labor and for those that would like to improve their lives, while the Basic Income Guaranteed ensures that everybody has got enough to make a decent living.

The difference between the two would merely be a measure of luxury and therefore, businesses will have to consider that wage – which is obviously an input on production – must be equated within the price. And so, pricing will be based on ensuring that there are minimum wages and that people earn very good incomes. This will obviously increase again the amount of money that can be spent and so the economy will grow, the house market, the motor car markets… all the markets that are now in extreme trouble and where the trouble is increasing will all grow and life on Earth will be sustainable.

So, for you that are ready to approach these issues, look at how to implement it in your particular countries, translate these proposals into your language, do blogs about it and get involved in your political parties, see which ones are willing to embrace a Basic Income Guaranteed and if they are not: start a political party, because the way forward is political.

Equal Life Foundation Research Team


Basic Income Guaranteed and Minimum Wage