Solutions for Basic Income

Living Income Guaranteed and the Nationalization of Banks

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Banking in fact is a resource that is required by all citizens equally. If we look at what are resources that should be nationalized, the minimum guideline is that they are all the resources that are equally required by all citizens – this implies water, electricity, roads, transport systems, media, banking, etc. All of the stuff that is necessary for each one to have a decent life, and banking falls within this category.

Banking in a way has become so technological that it is no longer a major job creator; it is simply a management of funds. Therefore, if we nationalize the banks within the approach that with minimum wage one no longer allows personal debt to accumulate – because we will forgive all debt – and the banks facilitate points like building houses and facilitate the placement of motorcars that are debt based on capital investments, which are good for the economic growth – then we are looking here at a very stable banking sector. The profits that come from a minimal interest rate will be distributed according to what is required to facilitate the Basic Income Guaranteed in its totality in a particular country.

The point of importance to note with the Basic Income Guaranteed proposal is that personal tax will be abolished, but taxation in terms of transactions – which is a use tax, a per sales tax and value added tax – those types of taxes would be fair because it would be based on how much one uses the system and those taxes specifically would be accumulated to pay for the functions of government. 

To facilitate a society that will stop abusing each other, there is an interesting point that will have to be considered and that is to move away from cash money to total digital money, because with total digital money one will reduce the propensity to deal outside the system and as such to take part in criminal activities. This will also bring an end to the current issues with protests and social dissidence where the problem is being approached from the starting point of demanding others to make the necessary changes, without proposing any agenda that can lead to a feasible practical solution.


Within the Basic Income Guaranteed system the excuse of some wanting to deal with cash because of ‘not wanting to pay tax’ will become irrelevant. It’ll bring stability for the system because those that do pay tax on their services or their products bought will contribute to the tax resource that that will be collected by the banking sector. And so the financial system for the country will be very stable and the budget will be according to available money; and when necessary, pricing or tax will be adjusted for extra money and the governments will not be allowed to borrow money, so that these exorbitant amounts of interests that even go towards ‘unidentifiable parties’ paid for by the labor of the citizens, can finally be stopped.

With the Basic Income Guaranteed system: governmental debt and national debt won’t exist, there is no need for it. Proper accounting, proper planning will prevent this and it is suggested that in the basic Constitution it is placed that: a government cannot make debt. And ‘not being able to make debt’ will also mean that the government will have to spend money on issues that are genuinely relevant where things like war will come to an end and the education, healthcare and all sectors that are relevant to the citizen is what will be considered in the budgets.

Obviously when somebody disagrees with such practical reasonable solutions, one must investigate what criminal activities they are participating in that they want to protect, so that they can have ‘more money’ when it is not necessary because: there is and will be sufficient for all. 


Equal Life Foundation Research Team


Basic Income Guaranteed and the Nationalization of Banks

Living Income and Nationalized Resources

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For the idea of Basic Income that is currently being proposed by various groups around the world to work, one needs to look at the whole point of resources within countries and the most effective way to bring about a source that will be able to provide the monetary resources for a Basic Income for everyone – so that each one has got a basic level of dignity – would be to Nationalize all the Resources – whether it is mining or production within a country – to structure the products produced and the resources produced through a pricing structure that produces enough profit so that such money is specifically dedicated to pay a Basic Income to everyone in the country.

This is how the shareholder becomes the citizen and therefore the citizen benefits from the shareholding and the Basic Income becomes the way that the profit of the business is utilized to help everyone. Each one will be made aware of buying products from the very companies that are producing the income that will become the Basic Income Guaranteed. In this way, the Basic Income becomes possible, it is a form of socialism and it brings capitalism or the ownership principle of capitalism into a place where all citizens of the country become part of the basic capital, which is the basic resource that is then utilized for the benefit of all the citizens within the country.

This way the corporation = becomes government, the shareholder = the citizen, the profit = the Basic Income Guaranteed and you have financially sustainable basic solution to create integrity and to bring about the end of poverty within a country. From that perspective one can then develop business structures of competition, but there are certain things that are not part of competition: the human should not compete with each other to the extent where poverty is caused or where people are driven to starvation, or where people do not have homes or food – that is not competition, that is brutality and is completely unacceptable.

So this whole idea that competition and market forces ‘will sort it out,’ the evidence is quite clear: it’s not going to happen. What needs to happen is a directive action politically by people to bring about economic change, nationalize the necessary resources, make the citizens the shareholders, pay them as shareholders a Basic Income out of the profit, motivate them to buy from the products and the resources that are being nationalized because they are supporting their own business and that’s how we create a solution for Basic Income.

Some of the benefits of a Basic Income Guaranteed through the way we propose would be that in essence it is a redistribution of money which allows an interesting thing to take place: more people having money to spend on the basic things that are required for a decent life, will cause actually some of the corporations to make more money. There’ll be more money in the money supply therefore there will be economic growth and consequently, employment will be created and so people will be able to step into better positions and the benefits of such a scenario would bring about a positive growth within the whole system.

Understand that without having the resources, the way to guarantee how one will get the money in the current system, a Basic Income is impossible and that the current limited resources due to the absolute controls of the corporations and the extremes of competition in terms of how that has limited the growth of the money supply and limited the amount of the people that can participate in the economy = that scenario is a problem and one needs to have a solution. The solution is that one expands capitalism through nationalization by making the citizens the shareholders and so, grow the economic benefit for everyone. This is specially in things like cellphone/telephone companies, electricity, water, all the things that are basic needs must be corporations that are run by government qualified people and the citizens/the shareholders, wherein the pricing must be such to generate enough profit to be able to sustainably pay a Basic Income to everyone and within that, you’ll have a solution for the current problems and step-up eventually into a new system.

So let’s revisit: if one takes your Basic Resources like power, cellphones, telephones, water and one charges for them – because they’re required and consumed within a particular area or a country – according to a structure of profit to provide a Basic Income Guaranteed from everyone to everybody, you have a stable income because you have a stable user and the user is able to pay and it is part of their basic way of existence. Mining and other type of natural resources are all in a similar position and they should belong to the citizens and no one else. From there we can bring equal dignity to all from birth to death – but for that, we require to provide a lot of education because currently the human beings do not challenge the elites that benefit from winning in this competition of capitalism.

Competition is good if one competes with yourself to bring about a better product, to bring about advancement for all = that is competition within the principle of common sense. Competition that leads to destruction, poverty, starvation and that drives people out of their homes and that creates extreme wealth for just a few = that’s not competition, that is brutality and abuse of all Human Rights in every way.

Study the Universal Human Rights, study the Human Rights by The Equal Life Foundation. It is time that we take this on politically and bring about a change in this world because the situation is not going to get better without us doing something about it.

Join and research solutions for the world. It is time for change.


Equal Life Foundation Research Team



Basic Income and Nationalized Resources