
Will the Living Income Guaranteed cause Inflation?

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One must first understand Inflation. Many years ago I asked a big shot in the bank a definition for inflation and his answer was quite incoherent, it’s like a matter of opinion. So we should rather look at the facts, than the opinions and justifications of ‘What inflation is?’and ‘Why does it exist?’

In a way if we go back in history, inflation can be seen as an extension of the cruelty of man. When there is not enough, then the so-called ideology of ‘Supply and Demand’ allows the greedy to increase prices and sell to the highest bidder, ensuring that the ideology that ‘money is power’ becomes ingrained in the human consciousness.

Another perspective of inflation is that it is an extension of Public Relations and Advertising.In advertising the real picture is photoshopped to make it more aligned with the mind, the mind becomes controlled by these images, goes into association and a relationship of comparison and then judges reality according to these pictures. This mechanism creates desires which produce the same type of supply and demand where the human who is controlled by these images and propaganda will do whatever they can to buy a product that is being inflated in its image.

Now the clever thing about this inflation of products by Public Relations is that you have to read the small print. The big print is all the fake and false images – the small print contains all the legal truths. The real truth about anything is always the small print because there you know you get the information about side effects, warranties, planned obsolescence, all the negative stuff is in the small print while all the positive stuff is in the big print. This is the same nature of positive thinking: it inflates the image on the positive side, it diminishes the negative side causing extreme imbalance that eventually reflects itself in general society as poverty and wealth.

Let’s look at another point of inflation: the deliberate inflation of prices to increase the profits of the corporation.As mechanization has been increasing – which should simply function as the replacement of labor, not the replacement of employment: more and more jobs are lost.Yet, prices are still being inflated. And now we sit with massive unemployment, inflated pricing, a problem with supply and demand because people don’t have money to buy and consume. So despite an appearance of inflation, the economic reality is that the economies are shrinking and not inflating– and you sit with the problem that your real value of a product has been lost a long time ago, because the real value has been labor all along.. And because the ideas of saving, competition, inflating the corporation and the war for a monopolized control has become the way of the world — the reality of what really exists is no longer easily accessible because: all we have is our inflated images.

So obviously if we have to keep following this distorted view of reality which is justified through the word ‘inflation,’ which is just a model of statistics – and you can check out the previous blog about the uselessness of statistics (
A Living Income Guaranteed is the BIG Issue) the statistics just inflate the idea that you know what you’re talking about, so statistics is just another form of inflation, it’s just Public Relations. It’s just a fake and false image and likeness with which the actual data is distorted so that those that benefit from having control and access to resources through this inflated view can justify why it is that the things are the way they are, why poverty is so immense and expansive… And so you’ll have the curious bizarre thing happening, for instance that the corporate top dogs and the loyalty they buy from people that are in the corporation – as well as their income – has been skyrocketing for at least the last 30 years. So these massive profits are used to buy loyalty which protects the top dogs. This same illness is now part of the government where people’s loyalty is bought so that they can protect the wealth of the few while the majority of people on Earth are existing in one or two dollars a day – and that’s quite okay apparently because the image is inflated to say that “That is enough for them to make a living.”


If we do not change the system, this Inflation point will have an effect. Obviously if the Living Income Guaranteed becomes a reality, we have to change the economic model: it’s not working, it has a fake and false inflated image by economists that are not worthy of the word ‘Economist’ because they are not managing and researching the ecology, the ecosystem of the world to ensure that every human being’s basic Human Rights are being protected.

Therefore everything you know about ‘Economics’ as several people that were brave enough to stand up have said “you have just being been lied to” –  Economy/the Economists, the ideas of Economics are all just a lie and so is inflation – the image is inflated, the truth and the data are not real and the human being has been mislead to believe that their data should not be in the hands of a central agency to actually create a stable environment. And so, the corporation and the propagandists can say that they’re doing and acting according to the will of the people, because the problem of inflation even exists there, the specific ideas and conspiracies have been inflated deliberately to create this image and likeness that the human’s will is apparently democratically being adhered to – It’s all in the image and likenesses of inflation.

For this all to work, you better study the Living Income Guaranteed proposal where we show what is necessary to be in place for a balanced society, where we show and expose all the inflations and propagandas and misdirection, where we show that at the end, even those in the current BIG proposals only have inflated egos – so inflation is really everywhere. Nowadays we even have inflation in terms of what it does to the body because the food is no longer supportive of the body, because Health is not really on the agenda of those that make policy,it’s all about profit.

Inflation is a danger all around and unless we stop all inflation – which is just a mind job – and we get back to reality and work with actual data based on the physical, our economic balance on Earth will not be restored, we will not have an ecosystem that supports Life on Earth and that protects the Human Rights of Every Human Being.


Equal Life Foundation Research Team


Inflation and the Living Income Guaranteed

A Living Income Guaranteed is the BIG Issue

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Yes, a Living Wage, a Living Income for every human being is a Basic Human Right that has been violated throughout human history. It is justified through all our culture’s literature, education and religion by creating a model wherein apparently your life is a cast within which you have a position for which you must be grateful because ‘your life was given to you by some higher force.’
Multiple ways have been found throughout time to justify the inequality that exists and to cast the elite as somehow more important, more endowed than those that have not. Here, the elite obviously being the ones able to fund the propaganda that made this an acceptable way of life, creating from the old cast systems in the east today, the cast system of ‘Positive Thinking’ claiming all the way that each one is individually responsible for what and where they find themselves in this world.

If we have to look at the facts of how the system functions, then we can clearly see that this is not true. If we have to look at the fact that there exists an inability to use a democratic model to bring about change, where each person has one vote and thus the majority – if they were in fact able to assess what is best – would vote for what is best, and what is best will always create a result that is also best for the individual. Yes, those in power that manage the content of the human mind through media, through entertainment, through television, through education, through religion, through every means that now exist – because they are funding it and they are funding what protects their rights but do not protect Human Rights – those will be in a lesser position than where they are now but some of them own virtually the whole world! So: they’re going to have to share.

What is interesting in all the economic approaches and activism approaches to the problem of the world is that there is no actual substance in their approaches. If you look at the economic models and how things are based on possible outcomes, opinions for instance are used which are statistics.
Statistics is the very clever design of the public relations industry through which people are manipulated.

If we look at statistics and you build a model – let me give you an example to demonstrate my point: if half of your body is in a freezer and the other half is in the oven you can statistically prove that you are now ‘on average comfortable’ – that’s bizarre! But that is what statistics do, it is a way where you can model information to suit the answer you want.

Now understand that our educators and our scientists are all funded with Grants, they have Basic Grants which they then use to do ‘research’ – but they’re not really doing research, they are instructed to build models that will fit the public relations objective of the corporation or government that is giving the grant – they are not really scientists, they are not really educators, they are simply wage-slaves because it’s a form of slavery. They are forced by money to follow instructions and to build models that can be used to misdirect the populous so that they do not threaten the power and wealth that is situated in but a few family lines.

And everyone that benefits from this system as it now exists in some way ends up as a slave because you are virtually initially forced by money and wealth to change your principles and then to take your principles and your integrity to create a form of opinion, a form of statistical model to justify your decisions so that to yourself you sound ‘right’ and righteous. This is for instance a fascinating thing because if you look at the current Basic Income Grant models that are being presented in places like Europe and in Scandinavia specifically, there’s no real research being done about the Impact such a model would have in all the other countries in the world.

If you take a country like Switzerland and you introduce a Basic Income Grant Model, you will increase consumerism in Switzerland, there would be no other actual change but that would lead to an outcome that the Swiss will be consuming more of resources on Earth, which would lead to poverty in other countries. Obviously they haven’t considered or investigated such points because they don’t really care about anything else but their own pocket, they don’t want to consider the problem is within how information is moved, within how education functions, within how religious brainwashing functions, within how the economic model is based on statistics which means you can’t trust any of the information given out by any government because they only use statistics, they don’t use facts.

The fact that ideologies like ‘Anonymous’ are used to create fear so that ‘you do not share your data’ just underwriting the fact that the average human being has no conception of mathematics and the importance of mathematics within our physical world. So there is no exact data with which to create a system that is best for all where each one will be taken care of because nobody wants to share their data, you fear everyone else. There’s this complete conspiracy of fear that has been propagated over generations to ensure that you become in the end only a number – exactly what the Bible predicted – and that everything you do is always just about numbers, but never about mathematics. It’s always about how much money you can make, profit, numbers and statistics which is just numbers, numbers that don’t mean anything and you can make it look like anything: Public Relations Propaganda.

In the meantime, the situation in the world is getting worse; the value of your labour is now worthless. It is necessary to study the proposals of the

Equal Life Foundation, we do Actual Research, we base it on fact, we show you how incorrect reasoning and self-interest will lead to problems, we show you that unless what you install on Earth, what you promote on Earth is based on fact, that means on the facts that are on the ground – with the feet on the ground – the facts of the lives of the people and unless we get to a point where we can realize that this mathematical fact is necessary to get the mathematical certainty of outcome to produce a system that is best for all and we keep on promoting the idea of Free Choice under the disguise of statistical models called opinions, creating a complete lack of ability for the human to do any reasoning, the world will continue to get worse – it is a fact.

You have to understand that the anatomy of facts in this world is based on Physical Certainty – not on mind models of opinions where you try and look clever with all kinds of models that you draw on paper, making little lines calling them ‘graphs’ and saying ‘that’s the movement, that’s the frequency, that’s the energy’.

Do your research, join us in this process of a Living Income Guaranteed as a Human Right for Every Being from Birth to Death, that’s the very least you would like for your own children; you want to be sure that your generations have a future? This is the way to go.

Time to Wake Up.

Equal Life Foundation Research Team



A Living Income Guaranteed is the BIG Issue