resource management

Living Income and Lower Pricing

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Economic theory has proven throughout time to be ineffective to manage the resources to ensure that each individual is a beneficiary and effective participant within the sustainability of the world system. We suggest banishing economic theory to the category of conspiracy theory because the evidence of the last few decades shows very clearly that our economists conspire to create greater inequality to destroy the capacity of the economy to provide sufficient jobs within a system that can support the citizens of the world, yet the opposite happens wherein all production is kept in the hands of a few corporations. So far economists have been unable to come up with a solution that will work for the world, while those that benefit from the current applied economic conspiracy theories are becoming astoundingly wealthy and there seems to be no end to this.


We also have to look at cognitive disinformation here. Our psychology is also just based on theory that does not properly educate the people on how the mind functions, instead it actually uses the facets of the mind that causes addiction and control – like emotions, feelings and thoughts – to become the accepted ways of human existence, which are then used through advertising, media and Hollywood to condition the human to accept the current conditions on Earth and not question reality. Furthermore our education system and our education theories have reduced the capacity of the human to reason to such an extent that we have a complete dumbed down society with an inability to do basic math or to read and investigate words to understand their actual meaning. Instead, the ideology is created that one must make things sound great without conveying practical solutions and their application. It is a form of complete disassociated information transfer where the consumer system foundation relies on savings and getting products cheaper, because that is competition according to what economic theory suggests.


You should take a piece of paper and do some math: if you reduce price which implies that you are reducing the value of labor, you are also reducing income, which is what’s happened now for decades. The real income of the human has decreased, inflation has increased for certain things, some of the basic things have become cheaper and then there’s the enticement about savings.

This lower pricing mechanism exists when you have a machine taking over the human labor – which should be based on a capital and advancement of the human capacity and thus should value the human existence more; however, the opposite has happened. With reduced price, reduced income, unemployment increases yet it is recognized as economic efficiency, a capitalistic type of advancement. At the same time we have exchange rates, where certain countries have a high value currency and others a low value currency, which is then used to transfer resources between countries done under the disguise of corporations – which are owned by politicians – creating monopolies that cause extensive poverty. The fact is that this transfer of resources in theory should benefit all the citizens of a country.


Here we can have a look at our early Game Theory that was taught at home through games like Monopoly which has played a major role in becoming part of the accepted theory of how one should live on Earth. Causing the acceptance of just a few major property owners to exist in the world, and their property being not necessarily land or resources, but money – and because they have a lot = apparently the system is working for everyone! Which we all know is not at all so.


This lower price ideology has caused major problems such as the theory that ‘Basic Income will increase prices’, which is apparently a ‘bad thing’. Obviously prices must increase, we have to create more money, we have to show the value of the human, otherwise capitalism cannot work. Human labor is capital and that capital should be increasing because the basic capacity and knowledge of the human race has been increasing and therefore, a greater value should be placed on it. Instead, the value is diminishing and through that, the level of inequality and the amount of people in the world that is living on the breadline (or should we say ‘dead-line’?) is increasing and is they have nothing else to do every single day but to spend their total time finding enough to just survive. Being occupied with survival also means that they cannot even challenge the current system, because they don’t have time to educate themselves and engineer solutions that can solve the problem. We also have come to accept that those that are in good positions and have enough resources and time to reason out the problem have seemingly lost the plot and are unable to apply simple basic principles like 1+1=2.


If we want to feed the world and we want to use a system like capitalism = we have to create enough money. We can create enough money by valuing the production sufficiently so that within the profit – or the gross profit of the product – there is sufficient money to make sure that everyone that is part of the production – even historically – earns enough money from it. That would increase the potential for everyone’s wealth, and if one does this properly: it’ll reduce inequality.


We cannot approach Basic Income Guaranteed in this world by using the current accepted economic conspiracy theories or by valuing our current economists. We suggest acquiring basic education on how the world system operates through reading people like Noam Chomsky, and you’ll see what it means to have critical reasoning and what it means to be able to think for yourself. However understanding and realizing the reality of what he shares is not enough, we have to get involved in the political arena so that the problem we have with our education can be solved. This can be done within the understanding that if we don’t create solutions at a political level through common consent, we will all end up in a position where we have no power – and this is exactly what has happened. The citizen now in the world has got no political power because we have been influenced through the media by information without having the ability to discern between what is actual reality – that would result mathematically in what is best or all – and what is conspiracy theory that is based on creating a ‘feeling’ within us that controls our behavior and our voice, causing us to be and become in essence part of the problem.


For a capitalistic system to work and to create enough Basic Income for everyone – meaning having enough to survive and to be able to have a basic life on Earth as in having our basic needs fulfilled – there needs to be sufficient money moving that is produced through the accumulated labor and time and input through time. This should have been growing for generations now and the world should have been a place of wealth, but instead seemingly deliberately but possibly astoundingly through a form of deliberate sabotage, instead of creating a growing economy existent as the result of accumulated labor, intelligence and research over time, we have been reducing our capacity to look after the citizens of the world, and continue to justify that in every way possible using theories and opinions instead of dealing with facts. Even our legal system deals with opinions, our psychology deals with opinions, our education deals with opinions, our politics deals with opinions – we don’t hear facts. Our media which should be a journal of reality: deals with opinions, not facts. It actually shapes opinions instead of acting in a way that ensures that this journey on Earth is worthwhile for every human. We do not have journalists with integrity, it is unfortunate – but this will come to an end because the situation is going to escalate exponentially.


Only thinking about the solution doesn’t make them tangible and practical in reality and as such, it is part of the problem of why the world’s economic system is collapsing. It’s time to change, time to get some basic education on how we can decide how economy works and give ourselves practical direction so that we can move on to a system where the Basic Income of each human is Guaranteed.



Equal Life Foundation Research Team



Basic Income Guaranteed and Lower Pricing

Living Income Guaranteed and Business Transparency

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Within the Basic Income Guaranteed with a capitalist approach, profit is one of its cornerstones; therefore it must be ensured. Another point that tends to waste extensive money is the point that new businesses are started which then fail.From that perspective it is a suggested that there – like you have with city planning – you have business planning where it is assessed what type of businesses the community can sustain that is possible within the money supply that exists, and that those businesses are then planned-out and offered to the citizen to take on with full support from the business planning section which should be part as a governmental function, a citizen support function ensuring that businesses do not fail.

This will save massive amounts of money which makes Basic Income Guaranteed a very cheap solution to a situation where there is seemingly endless amounts of money ending up in either foreclosure and/or failure and/or abuse and/or maladministration. At this stage there are no actual figures being kept of all of this – we never get to know the real numbers of how much is actually wasted. But there is more wasted through business failure, maladministration, charity and foundation creation abuse due to the influence of the consumer than what is needed to bring about a Basic Income Guaranteed.

You should ask yourself some questions:

  • Why are the no clear figures that inform the population of the administration of resources?
  • Why are there no figures kept of how much is actually lost through foreclosure?
  • How much is actually lost through businesses that are going bankrupt?
  • How much is actually lost through people losing their jobs at this stage, unable to participate in the system, unable for instance to pay tax or to buy stuff to increase the revenue streams?
  • How much is wasted by corrupt government officials?
  • How much is directed toward inappropriate placement of tenders?

These are massive amounts beyond belief; how much is happening because there’s no oversight and everybody participating in the system knows one thing: there are resources being stolen and there is maladministration and corruption, that’s why they don’t want transparency, it’s convenient.

In some countries like South Africa, there’s the prospect of placing in laws to ‘limit transparency,’ which is no different to saying ‘Let’s legalize corruption!’. So the integrity of the human within a Basic Income Guaranteed system should be administrated through a system. We have the technology now to have systems in place that can support the human to the extent of creating a system that is trustworthy and that assists everyone effectively in the world. We have the expertise to do this, now we need the will to stop corruption and to stop abuse. This can be done by Guaranteeing a Basic Income, guaranteeing a minimum wage and guaranteeing profit because all these three foundational stones will actually guarantee the existence and expansion of Capitalism and bring about a high functioning and effective society with the use of technology to produce what will ensure proper usage of resources, technology and human creativity. This cannot happen without a sense of freedom and money does give a sense of freedom.

We have come to the conclusion that trying to establish a society without a way within which the human can express their freedom is simply not going to work. Freedom is in money, it translates as the ability to express yourself in a way where you feel empowered as well as having your Basic Human Rights recognized and dignified. Not having enough money is to disempower people and to force them into crime and as you’ve noticed, massive amounts of money are lost to crime. All these things will stop if we have in place a proper technological system which we can establish with great ease at this stage. We have the technology and the managerial mechanisms to do so. In a matter of a few years, the whole world will be an internet grid and we can make use of all these things to prevent crime and corruption.

Basic Income Guaranteed is not only an opportunity to support yourself from an economic perspective in terms of ensuring everyone’s survival, but also from the economic perspective to have an equal opportunity to support yourself and your family, which is a Basic Human Right. This is the equal right we give to each other to potentially become wealthy individuals while ensuring all resources are made available for everyone equally.


Equal Life Research Team

Basic Income Guaranteed and Business Transparency

Living Income Can Save Capitalism

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This should be good news for the capitalists.


This proposal will have to become part of a political party’s manifesto and become part of their economic policy and they have to promote it within the context as presented to overcome the objections that are inherently glued to the view of the capitalist.


If you look at George Bush, David Cameron, Obama – they all have promoted the idea to ‘save capitalism’, that there is one thing everybody must do, they say: ‘spend more.’ But there’s a problem with what’s happening in the world there are fewer and fewer jobs which means people can spend less and less so all the economies are contracting because the money supply which at the end is dependent on the amount of people participating in the system with money is shrinking; the economic theory did not expand yet to consider proper solutions for the world. So the following is how one solves the problem.


In any given country you have citizens, they are citizens by birth and by birth they have a birth right towards citizenship in that country. We propose that that birth right should be including inclusive of the resources that are in that country – for instance, the mining resources and water resources, electricity, cellphones, telephones… all the points that are part of that country originally. But maybe it’ll be possible to only look at the resources that everybody requires and needs on a daily basis which are food, water, electricity and something like the cellphone, telephone and internet. These are things that are already in a country and they have intrinsic value. By utilizing these resources you have a situation where everyone in the country participates in contributing towards the total turnover of these particular resources.


If the price is set to be sufficient to accommodate sufficient profit for the shareholders – which in this case will be the citizens of the country – which then are distributed to all those citizens in the country that do not have enough income as a Basic Income Guaranteed, it is possible to set up a system which will have a very interesting effect for all capitalists. This is because suddenly, all the people in the country will be able to spend money; this will mean the capitalists that will so to speak ‘lose income’ because if they already own any of these resources in the country their shares will be transferred through nationalization to the shareholders that should have owned it in the first place, which are the citizens. In other words, if you take away anything from the security of a state and the security of a state is to supply and support their citizens: you’re committing treason. So by taking these corporations and creating them as private entities, taking it away from the rights of the citizens, in fact treason has been committed and this is being done through public relations and cognitive disinformation, by control of the media. This is why we also suggest that the media should also be controlled by the citizens because the media in any particular country is always the voice of the citizens. And therefore, all of these corporations still run as corporations, the only difference is that the shareholding is in the hands of the citizens and it becomes a matter of national pride, and they are managed properly by people that are properly skilled that do so for the benefit of the country.


This can become extremely valuable resources in terms of stabilizing an economy and presenting and producing sufficient profit that at the moment as we know, ends up in the hands of a selective few elite to such an extent that their combined wealth can stop poverty in the whole world several times, which means there is already enough money created. Obviously what they’re doing is a fascinating thing, in many cases they’re reducing prices of products simply to outperform the competition which causes massive unemployment in the world, purely to make more money but is justified as saying that ‘by making things cheaper = we’re making it more affordable for everyone,’ but if a person does not have an income = they don’t have a level of affordability, there is just no way they can own it. So when one takes this model and you apply it and you have each citizen with a Basic Income Guaranteed, the citizen now can spend money, this money will normally be spent at the normal corporations that now supply goods and services in all kinds of arenas, that will increase turnover, that would increase job creation and that would increase profits.


Now you’ll say “But if everybody gets a Basic Income, who’s going to do the work?” very simple, the minimum wage should be double the basic income so that the person is motivated to not use the Basic Income Guaranteed but to go out and work because that will give them access to money to buy luxuries as well, because the Basic Income Guaranteed will not be sufficient to buy ‘extreme luxuries,’ it will be to buy the basics that are necessary, to provide the education that is necessary, to have at least one motor vehicle to be able to have the transport that’s necessary.


Another suggestion within the Basic Income Guaranteed proposal is that there is also a subsidy for homes which is sufficient to construct a reasonable home because that will not only benefit the banking industry, but it will also benefit the building industry and so it’ll again have a knock on effect in creating cash flow which then creates money supply, which creates an economy that is growing and a happy capitalist, because there will be many more opportunities than what exists now.


One of the things that should be considered is the standard of goods – there should be a minimum standard and each country should have a bureau of standards that specifically makes sure that the products made available to the citizens as a matter of their birth right and their citizen’s right to have goods that are of real value, that these products are going through stringent tests. This way we ensure the capitalists don’t just try and make profit but actually provide a proper service and a proper product which will reduce a lot of the unnecessary energy spending in the world where things are just made for the sake of enticing people to buy through advertising. Thus, advertising should be not based on cognitive disinformation or on placing people in an emotional state when they’re buying, it should be based on fact and there should be better regulation about advertising so that people are not psychologically manipulated, because that is simply not acceptable.


When you have a system where you have your basic job facilitation which includes from janitors, to road builders to any type of job where your minimum wage is double your basic income, you will find that there will be enough workers to do the work because they’ll earn more, and those that work will have benefit because they will be able to buy better cars, bigger houses and they will thus have a better standing in the community which will motivate people to look for jobs and because lots more money is in circulation = new businesses will begin, which will again offer more jobs and thus create more opportunities for people to get a better income than just a Basic Income Guaranteed.


The Basic Income Guaranteed must be of such nature that it is sufficient for a person or a family to live a decent life, one worthy of their birth right as a citizen. Utilizing it this way, it becomes viable for the corporations to give up some of the things they control in favor of having a stable economy that provides a lot more money in circulation, which provides a lot more opportunities for profit. By doing this, one reduces various factors that have become extreme problems which are already being investigated by projects like the Big Project In Namibia: if everybody’s got a Basic Income: crime reduces, violence reduces and people want to improve themselves because they are no longer desperate, they have moved from desperation to hope and they start to educate themselves better.


This is an all-around effective solution where one can ensure then that the most Basic Human Rights as in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is actually taken care of, the capitalists are kept happy, those that believe that ‘some are lazy and some are not’ are kept happy because they can now go and work and earn more money and leave the others with less money.
Essentially a Basic Income Guaranteed is at this stage a viable solution for a world in extreme trouble. Bailouts won’t work, people that actually want to send money to bailouts should rather send it to educating people about the validity of a system that is a mixture between socialism and capitalism and that protects the citizenship of each person within a country. And then between the countries they can work out solutions for those countries that’s got less resources and develop them to also have a similar resource structure which provides sufficient income in house through the internal use of for instance cellphones, airtime, electricity, water, media, that sufficient profit is made out of that to facilitate the Basic Income Guaranteed so that there is never any debt made for facilitating this.


This will also solve another problem that is going to become extensive in the next 20 years which is that all the pensions will be gone because it will replace the pension system, there will be no longer contributions to those pensions because a person will have a Basic Income Guaranteed it will thus, instead of money being invested into corporations, the money will be in the hands of the citizen. The citizen will then use the money to decide what is best and where to invest it.


To all the people benefited with Basic Income Guaranteed we suggest that that they save 10% of that money and invest it every month in the corporations, the other corporations that are not yet owned by the citizens and if all the citizens do that = very soon the citizens will own all the corporations and all the capitalists would have made their profit and will have a system where a person on a Basic Income Guaranteed will earn enough from their shares in the corporations that they will get to a point where their income is higher than the Basic Income Guaranteed and the moment that happens = they no longer are dependent on the Basic Income Guaranteed and they move towards self-sufficiency.


Basic Income Guaranteed will require certain rules. One of them being that one shouldn’t own more than one car – this means that if you have two cars = you have more money than you should have for a Basic Income Guaranteed; and if you have a job and the job obviously always will be according to minimum wage which is double the Basic Income Guaranteed= you no longer require the Basic Income Guaranteed because you’re now in self-sufficiency and that position opens up for another person, because one of the things about this world is that there are always new people arriving that are going to need some help to get into the system.


All education within the system, within a country should be facilitated by the Basic Income Guaranteed facilitation and because education is a calling and not a place of profit, all educators that are part of that should be placed on a Basic Income Guaranteed and all education at university level, everything should be free to the citizens because it is a Human Right to educate each one and it is thus facilitated so that we have in the education system those that truly do it for a calling and that are not doing it for money, because they are doing it as a service to their fellow citizens.


With the Basic Income Guaranteed there is one thing that is of vital importance: no one in the system, no citizen will pay tax – all tax will be facilitated by either value added tax or sales tax or import duties. If you have a government system that is responsible because you have a system where each one is functioning effectively within the system, you do not need excessive tax; your tax is spent on things like roadwork, transport facilitation – all things that can be handled in house.


One of the things that can work quite effectively also in a country is to have a toll tax on the roads which are managed by the government and that keeps the roads in place, so according to the use that one has of a road = will be the amount of tax you pay, but there will be in this proposal no tax so nobody is going to pay for anyone’s basic income guaranteed, it’s coming from the resource companies which everybody in the country are participating in and your sales tax or your value added tax will be according to the amount of your participation within a particular system – this is a fair way of dealing with income tax – or shall we say government tax collection.


To have this facilitated effectively, the control of it will be important which means the total system will have to be digitized. The payment of the Basic Income Guaranteed will be via your bank card so it’ll be instantaneous and society will move towards a more ‘cashless society,’ but in a cashless society where one will have enough of what you need and nobody can take away your income because you are guaranteed this income unless you obviously have a job, which means you have double income.


In this proposal no matter what objection one could possibly have, there will be an answer, everybody will be satisfied. It’s a very simplistic solution that brings an end to the problems that are now in the world.


With the rise of the machine there’s going to be job-loss which means there’s going to be greater efficiency, which means there’s going to be less cost on input. So if there is job-loss = there is Basic Income Guaranteed. The type of new businesses that will develop will be based on human ingenuity, the great word that the capitalists like to use.


So the capitalists – those that want to earn more in the system – can come up with great ideas to create new employment and so to uplift people to a higher level of income or double at least that the Basic Income Guaranteed. So all desires, all hopes will be answered and in a way, the whole principle of the pursuit of happiness, the principle of each one being able to be in a world of opportunity instead of just a ‘land of opportunity’ of the US, it will be the whole world that will be a land of opportunity, a world of opportunity where you can be anything you want to be and the opportunities are endless.


Environmental policy will have to be strictly applied and wastage will have to be looked at and therefore the education system needs to be substantially upgraded. This is how each individual will be content and not worry about what others have, and instead work to earn a greater living if they truly want to.

So the Basic Income Guaranteed Proposal for the world is a solution of equal opportunity. If you do not want to make use of that opportunity, you’ll have a Basic Income Guaranteed – if you want to make use of that opportunity, at the very least you’ll have double the Basic Income Guaranteed.


‘How much the Basic Income Guaranteed will be’ is going to be worked out according to what is necessary for a person or a family to make a decent living. In this one will probably have to look at the one thing that needs to change which are currencies, there will have to be one world currency because the need for currencies will no longer exist, because that is only being used by the richer countries to steal resources from the poorer countries and that’s no longer necessary because there’s enough money to pay for it anyway. Therefore, we don’t need ‘exchange rates’ anymore, you can have your own money but it is equal. So if you have the euro = one dollar = one yen = one pound = one rand = one peso – that will make sure we have no more peasants.


It’s obviously the ultimate patriotic system you could ever come up with, be a patriot, be a BIG supporter and remember capitalists: here is your ultimate opportunity of making profit, you will never have had such a good opportunity before because now, your ability to come up with the ultimate product that entices the population to buy it is now at your feet.

Join BIG, be Big hearted: it’s time.


Equal Life Foundation Research Team



Basic Income can Save Capitalism