
Living Income Guaranteed and Public Relations

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It is suggested to read the view of Noam Chomsky which is quite to the point and calls the public relations officers the ‘experts of producing lies.’ Now, if you have ever been in a business where you planned it and you have to work out the advertising and the marketing of it, you will know you’re looking for words to describe the product emotionally and you stay away from the facts. Because the facts are the few things you have put together within the product to produce something unique that can compete with other products and there is obviously always something ‘missing.’ That’s why for instance a product’s warranty is only for one year now because, in one year’s time – that’s what the warranty implies – the product will break. Everyone is kept in the illusion that apparently there is some improvement in the product and that’s why there will be a ‘new version’. But if you have to take away the outside picture and you look at the inside – take a car, for instance – it is essentially the same that it has been before. It maybe got a new name, a new color and here and there a new feature – but you’re paying a lot more and it’s not going to last you and you’re made to believe that this car is a ‘new model’ or this cellphone is a ‘better model.’

If you look at the timeframe you’ll notice that nowadays they are releasing a new cellphone basically every few months. You must understand that in the design stage, when they release the previous cellphone you paid a fortune for, they already have designed and planned another five models! They were ready with ‘the new stuff’ – they could’ve just as well not wasted so many resources and give you the best cellphone, but no! They need you to buy because there is a problem in the capitalistic system where it is said that ‘there is not enough consumption’, ‘there’s not enough spending’ but that’s not the real problem.

The real problem is: there’s not enough money because the more and more products are outsourced for instance moving it – let’s take America as an example – to China producing it cheaper. Leaving whole cities in America devastated with people without jobs, then importing the product and selling it cheaper under the justification that ‘now the product will be cheaper, so you should be able to afford it’. This is done without calculating the loss of money due to the loss of jobs that happened. This creates a situation where less people end up being able to buy the product, there’s thus less money and the corporations have to go to the point where they become a monopoly and destroy the competition.  Because if they don’t = they simply can’t survive because there are simply not enough costumers with money with the low profit margins that they’re working on. If we look at this same aspect within the food industry, we have exactly the same problem. That is why labeling for instance is never really specific, you never get real detailed instructions and you never get the truth about how the products are manufactured and/or produced.

Now with Basic Income Guaranteed, the total scene will change. Public Relations will be what it should have always been: explaining to the public the relationship they will have with the product and how the product will benefit them, how and why the product was made in a better way to last longer and to be of greater service, why the product is real value for money. Public Relations will be like the person that stands and ensures that the public knows everything, that there are no secrets and is thus the face of the corporation – that is how capitalism is supposed to function, no more lies and deceit.

Public Relations as it exists now, should be banned from politics because politics is and should be where the actual policy of the political party is explained in simple language that every voter can understand and that public policy should be the first thing on the agenda for implementation; and if the political party does not implement it, immediately a referendum should be held on whether they should remain in power under new public policy or not – that is democracy. One cannot change one’s word or go back on your word and get away with it, but the public has accepted this as ‘normal’ – politicians lie, they never keep their word and that’s ‘okay.’

In many cases the corporations are so desperate to keep going that they spend lots of money to ensure that the politicians realize one simple thing “The corporations are supplying a lot of jobs and therefore the laws must protect the corporations to protect jobs” – that’s the justification used. Therefore it’s not so much only the amount of money that goes to the political party, it is about the voters that are able to vote, because those with money = they’re able to vote; those on the streets = they can’t vote because there’s normally a problem: they don’t have a fixed vote, they don’t have the necessary documents or they don’t have the money to go and vote – very simple.

Public Relations must ensure that those that are on the fringe and not necessarily controlled by a corporate or a governmental job, are convinced by promises and hope that the political party is going to produce something, for example that they will ensure there are enough jobs available; if that is achieved, the political party will win. Unfortunately all of this is done under the disguise of competition, under the premise of monopoly, the game we were taught as children, absolutely brutal. And then the human factor is taken out and is called ‘market forces,’ ‘supply and demand,’ the ‘invisible hand’ that determines the flow of the economy, which are deliberate and made up excuses. Bause if you start studying the Basic Income Guaranteed proposal as we are putting it together, place what we are sharing on paper and start to assess how one places this together: you’re going to notice that a workable model with enough money that ensures that the corporation makes money is possible, where everybody has got an income and as such, there will be sufficient consumption; this means we can have better products, the environment can be protected, we can produce more effective products, people are not forced to go into all kinds of forced and slave labor situations.

When everything is produced to last longer at a price that is sufficient to ensure the survival of the corporation and to ensure the Basic Income Guaranteed of each person, we have a sound and healthy economic system. It’ll also make a massive difference to our food, because a lot of the foods that are allowed to be on the shelves are purely there, placed by people looking at ways to make money to entice the consumer. The fact that the food overall and in many cases is not really healthy, is covered up by ‘bright pictures’ ‘shiny words’ and that’s backed up by the spirituality of the person that is developed and particularly designed by Public Relations. Creating a consumption industry based on ‘like’ and ‘love,’ getting you emotionally involved, ensuring that psychology claims that emotion is important and valid without any information or research into how the mind actually functions, because if the mind is understood = brainwashing cannot happen and the current system cannot continue – this is known! Just not by the people that’s been brainwashed, they don’t understand even why they buy stuff, they feel like ‘they like it,’ they like how it looks, they like what it does, they don’t care that there is engineered redundancy within products just like there is engineered redundancy within the employment sector and everything is driven by a simple thing called profit, and that there’s no real competition in the markets because: “Those with more money will always win.” Go back to your monopoly game, that’s how it works! You’re in this game now.

Our economic system should not be called ‘Capitalism,’ it should be called ‘Monopoly’. And you may have no chance in the system, but you have a chance to become part of a political party that champions the Basic Income Guaranteed. If there is no such party established in your country: you start one and you become politically active visiting the voters door to door, selling to them a new economic system, showing that their vote counts, understanding that democracy means 1+1+1 = every vote counts only once, so we need a majority vote, a majority of people that must understand how Basic Income Guaranteed functions and why the current economy isn’t functioning for everyone. You also want to explain to them why there are big problems in the future with for instance pensions. One must act now and not wait once the whole system starts collapsing and new laws are made and people are marginalized and you don’t see the suffering and poverty, because we may be one of those suddenly without any support, having nowhere to go.

It is important that one becomes practical, that we become an activist which is someone that takes action, that’s activism: acting on the information available when you see there’s a problem and help with the education of the public because you’re part of the public, so there is one voice and this one voice presents an answer that works for everyone! It is really simple if you get down to it. And at the very least if you can’t do anything, then at least make sure that your money supports a solution, it’s also an investment in your future.

Research the Basic Income Guaranteed by the Equal Life Foundation, we are a non-profit organization that researches and puts together economic solutions and educational solutions. We look at how humanity can coexist in a way where there is real freedom, real individual freedom and real happiness and one thing we all know: happiness depends on money. With the Basic Income Guaranteed: everybody will have a little piece of happiness.

Equal Life foundation Research

Basic Income Guaranteed - Propaganda

Living Income and Lower Pricing

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Economic theory has proven throughout time to be ineffective to manage the resources to ensure that each individual is a beneficiary and effective participant within the sustainability of the world system. We suggest banishing economic theory to the category of conspiracy theory because the evidence of the last few decades shows very clearly that our economists conspire to create greater inequality to destroy the capacity of the economy to provide sufficient jobs within a system that can support the citizens of the world, yet the opposite happens wherein all production is kept in the hands of a few corporations. So far economists have been unable to come up with a solution that will work for the world, while those that benefit from the current applied economic conspiracy theories are becoming astoundingly wealthy and there seems to be no end to this.


We also have to look at cognitive disinformation here. Our psychology is also just based on theory that does not properly educate the people on how the mind functions, instead it actually uses the facets of the mind that causes addiction and control – like emotions, feelings and thoughts – to become the accepted ways of human existence, which are then used through advertising, media and Hollywood to condition the human to accept the current conditions on Earth and not question reality. Furthermore our education system and our education theories have reduced the capacity of the human to reason to such an extent that we have a complete dumbed down society with an inability to do basic math or to read and investigate words to understand their actual meaning. Instead, the ideology is created that one must make things sound great without conveying practical solutions and their application. It is a form of complete disassociated information transfer where the consumer system foundation relies on savings and getting products cheaper, because that is competition according to what economic theory suggests.


You should take a piece of paper and do some math: if you reduce price which implies that you are reducing the value of labor, you are also reducing income, which is what’s happened now for decades. The real income of the human has decreased, inflation has increased for certain things, some of the basic things have become cheaper and then there’s the enticement about savings.

This lower pricing mechanism exists when you have a machine taking over the human labor – which should be based on a capital and advancement of the human capacity and thus should value the human existence more; however, the opposite has happened. With reduced price, reduced income, unemployment increases yet it is recognized as economic efficiency, a capitalistic type of advancement. At the same time we have exchange rates, where certain countries have a high value currency and others a low value currency, which is then used to transfer resources between countries done under the disguise of corporations – which are owned by politicians – creating monopolies that cause extensive poverty. The fact is that this transfer of resources in theory should benefit all the citizens of a country.


Here we can have a look at our early Game Theory that was taught at home through games like Monopoly which has played a major role in becoming part of the accepted theory of how one should live on Earth. Causing the acceptance of just a few major property owners to exist in the world, and their property being not necessarily land or resources, but money – and because they have a lot = apparently the system is working for everyone! Which we all know is not at all so.


This lower price ideology has caused major problems such as the theory that ‘Basic Income will increase prices’, which is apparently a ‘bad thing’. Obviously prices must increase, we have to create more money, we have to show the value of the human, otherwise capitalism cannot work. Human labor is capital and that capital should be increasing because the basic capacity and knowledge of the human race has been increasing and therefore, a greater value should be placed on it. Instead, the value is diminishing and through that, the level of inequality and the amount of people in the world that is living on the breadline (or should we say ‘dead-line’?) is increasing and is they have nothing else to do every single day but to spend their total time finding enough to just survive. Being occupied with survival also means that they cannot even challenge the current system, because they don’t have time to educate themselves and engineer solutions that can solve the problem. We also have come to accept that those that are in good positions and have enough resources and time to reason out the problem have seemingly lost the plot and are unable to apply simple basic principles like 1+1=2.


If we want to feed the world and we want to use a system like capitalism = we have to create enough money. We can create enough money by valuing the production sufficiently so that within the profit – or the gross profit of the product – there is sufficient money to make sure that everyone that is part of the production – even historically – earns enough money from it. That would increase the potential for everyone’s wealth, and if one does this properly: it’ll reduce inequality.


We cannot approach Basic Income Guaranteed in this world by using the current accepted economic conspiracy theories or by valuing our current economists. We suggest acquiring basic education on how the world system operates through reading people like Noam Chomsky, and you’ll see what it means to have critical reasoning and what it means to be able to think for yourself. However understanding and realizing the reality of what he shares is not enough, we have to get involved in the political arena so that the problem we have with our education can be solved. This can be done within the understanding that if we don’t create solutions at a political level through common consent, we will all end up in a position where we have no power – and this is exactly what has happened. The citizen now in the world has got no political power because we have been influenced through the media by information without having the ability to discern between what is actual reality – that would result mathematically in what is best or all – and what is conspiracy theory that is based on creating a ‘feeling’ within us that controls our behavior and our voice, causing us to be and become in essence part of the problem.


For a capitalistic system to work and to create enough Basic Income for everyone – meaning having enough to survive and to be able to have a basic life on Earth as in having our basic needs fulfilled – there needs to be sufficient money moving that is produced through the accumulated labor and time and input through time. This should have been growing for generations now and the world should have been a place of wealth, but instead seemingly deliberately but possibly astoundingly through a form of deliberate sabotage, instead of creating a growing economy existent as the result of accumulated labor, intelligence and research over time, we have been reducing our capacity to look after the citizens of the world, and continue to justify that in every way possible using theories and opinions instead of dealing with facts. Even our legal system deals with opinions, our psychology deals with opinions, our education deals with opinions, our politics deals with opinions – we don’t hear facts. Our media which should be a journal of reality: deals with opinions, not facts. It actually shapes opinions instead of acting in a way that ensures that this journey on Earth is worthwhile for every human. We do not have journalists with integrity, it is unfortunate – but this will come to an end because the situation is going to escalate exponentially.


Only thinking about the solution doesn’t make them tangible and practical in reality and as such, it is part of the problem of why the world’s economic system is collapsing. It’s time to change, time to get some basic education on how we can decide how economy works and give ourselves practical direction so that we can move on to a system where the Basic Income of each human is Guaranteed.



Equal Life Foundation Research Team



Basic Income Guaranteed and Lower Pricing